Ansys Maxwell V 16 Manual

  1. Ansys Maxwell V16 Manual Diagram
  2. Ansys Maxwell V16 Manual Guide
  3. Ansys Maxwell V 16 Manual Download
  4. Ansys Maxwell V16 Manual Model
  5. Ansys Maxwell V 16 Manual Transfer Switch

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Ansys maxwell v16 manual download

Ansys Maxwell V16 Manual Diagram

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ANSYS Maxwell magnetic fi eld formulation is founded on Maxwells equations starting with the basic fi eld equations:

(Faradays law) (1)

(Gausss law) (2)

(Amperes law) (3)

in which E is the electric fi eld strength, B is the magnetic fl ux density, H is the magnetic fi eld strength, and J is the electric current density. Obviously, these equations are considered together with the constitutive material equations for both electric fi elds as E=f (J) and magnetic fi eld as B=f (H).

Numerical solution of such equations is based on T- formulation in which is nodal-based magnetic scalar potential, defi ned in the entire solution domain, and T is edge-based electrical vector potential, defi ned only in the conducting eddy-current region (Figure 1). There are several advantages of this formulation: Avoid unphysical solution due to utilization of edge elements to

model a source component and induced eddy current Computationally effi cient because in the nonconducting region,

only scalar potential is employed Numerical stability because no gauging is required to obtain

Ansys Maxwell V16 Manual Guide

unique solutions

Application Brief

ANSYS Maxwell Magnetic Field Formulation

Ansys Maxwell V 16 Manual Download

There are various variational electromagnetic fi eld formulations using FEA to numerically solve Maxwells equations. When choosing the right formulation to be implemented in FEA special mathematical handling is required in order to avoid unphysical solutions and to provide numerical stability and computational effi ciency. This application brief describes the basis for formulation employed in ANSYS Maxwell.

Ansys Maxwell V16 Manual Model


Ansys Maxwell V 16 Manual Transfer Switch

Figure 1. Domain representation for T- formulation

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