Space Station 13 Races

  1. Roundstart Races. On tgstation, these are the races allowed to be chosen at round start. Because they are freely available, you should expect to deal with them nearly every round. On the station humans enjoy a degree of superiority over other races, everyone you meet in a position of power will generally be a human.
  2. An image taken from the space station on Monday (below) shows the Dragon as it docked to one of the International Space Station's two ports. Will have launched into space a combined 13 times.
You've stumbled upon the Cheeto-stained archives of information for the various Goonstation editions of Space Station 13. Wikistation 13 is designed to be a hub for Goonstation players' reference needs – be it experienced players in need of a quick reference guide or new players in need of a helping hand through the traumatic first few games. If you'd like to contribute some content of your own, you'll need to log in or register an account if you haven't already done so.
  • You must update to BYOND 513.1536 in order to play!
  • Current maps: Cogmap1, Cogmap2, Destiny, Clarion, Oshan Laboratory, Horizon, Atlas, Manta, Kondaru, Donut 3
  • Hotkeys: Hotkeys and emotes
  • Health: Doctoring & Genetics & Viruses & Chemistry & Chemicals
  • Metallurgy: Mining & Smelting
  • Traitoring: Roles & Murder & Traitor gear
  • Engineering: Engine & Construction
  • Catering: Foods and Drinks & Botany
  • IT: TermOS & ThinkDOS & Hacking

Getting Started






Game Modes






Information About Goonstation

What the hell is this?

This is an information source for the Goonstation branch of Space Station 13, a multiplayer role playing game renowned for its stable and functional engine, its robust combat system, and its polite, cooperative community.

Who runs the joint?

The server was originally an offshoot of Something is Awful dot com, whose residents are collectively referred to as 'goons'. Nowadays, the majority of staff and players are only loosely/very marginally/honestly not at all associated with SA, but that doesn't stop remnants of the past Goon-days culture from cropping up.

Specifically, Wire hosts the server that this game, this wiki, and its associated services all run on. You can chip in on the running costs over at his Patreon.

Where should I be going now?

Slow down, hot stuff! It depends on what you need – the Goonhub displays dynamic information about live games (server population, round time etc) and links directly to the servers, and you can also use the links on the right. Be prepared for adventures BYOND your wildest dreams.

  • Server links:

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Space Bird: Wear hats. Be the cool critter on the block with a headset slot. Screech over the radio. Peck the Wizard's (or the person who forcefed you feather fluid) eye out. Space goose: Honk to your heart's content. Migrate to another station when the Clown slips you out for taking his job. Space Timberdoodle: Scream.

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Navigation menu

Quadrants of the
Milky Way (clickable)

The Alpha Quadrant is one of four quadrants in the Milky Way. It is home to the Cardassian Union, the Ferengi Alliance and the United Federation of Planets.

  • 2Playable Area

Points of Interest[edit | edit source]

The Bajoran wormhole by Deep Space Nine is a strategic location in the quadrant

The Alpha Quadrant has significant influence from the powers in the Beta Quadrant to the extent the Klingons and Romulans have been referred to as Alpha Quadrant powers. The interest in the sector is largely around the presence of the Bajoran wormhole and the station by it, Deep Space Nine.

The quadrant is also known to contain examples of shocking interstellar beauty and scientific wonder such as the Argolis Cluster, the Arachnid Nebula, and the Badlands.

BajorBajor SectorAlternate player hub at Hathon
Bajoran wormholeBajor SectorTravel to the Gamma Quadrant
BadlandsCardassia SectorBadlands Battlezone
Betreka NebulaBetazed SectorDuty Officer Node
Deep Space NineBajor SectorPrimary player hub for the quadrant
DeferaDefera SectorDeferi Battlezone
Fleet Colony WorldAntos SectorFleet holding
Fleet Dilithium MineBajor SectorFleet holding
Fleet Station K-13Draconis SectorFleet holding
Rolor NebulaDefera SectorDuty Officer Node
Gon'Cra NebulaGon'Cra SectorTzenkethi Battlezone
Vlugta Asteroid FieldBajor SectorDilithium Mining
Zenas ExpanseArawath SectorDuty Officer Node

Playable Area[edit | edit source]

The old Alpha Quadrant, before it was expanded in Season 12
See also Sector space

The Alpha Quadrant is one of the two largest playable quadrants in Star Trek Online, but it still covers only a fraction of the overall quadrant. As of Season 12, it covers 35 sectors including much of the Federation's Alpha Quadrant members along with most of Cardassian and Ferengi space, as well as sections of Breen space. Solution manual for ethics accounting case study.

Before the release of Season 10, Alpha Quadrant was divided into four sector blocks: Zeta Andromedae, Beta Ursae, Alpha Trianguli and Orellius. With Season 10, all sector blocks were merged into a single unit and expanded. With Season 12, more sectors were added further towards the galactic core, and few of the previously existing sectors and planets were moved into the expanded area.

List of Sectors[edit | edit source]

Space Station 13 Xenobiology

For details, see List of Sectors and Systems.

Factions and Homeworlds[edit | edit source]

Atosee PrimeAtosees
BajorBajoransUnited Federation of Planets
BetazedBetazoidsUnited Federation of Planets
Breen (planet)BreenBreen Confederacy
CaitCaitiansUnited Federation of Planets
Capella IVCapellansUnited Federation of Planets
Cardassia PrimeCardassiansCardassian Union/True Way
Delta IVDeltansUnited Federation of Planets
DenobulaDenobulansUnited Federation of Planets
20 Draconis bDraconian
Eohki homeworldEohki
FerasaFerasansKlingon Empire
FerenginarFerengiFerengi Alliance
FesariusFirst Federation
New KentarKentariKentari Union
LukarLukariLukari Concordium
PakledPakledUnited Federation of Planets
SauriaSauriansUnited Federation of Planets
Tellar PrimeTellaritesUnited Federation of Planets
Trill (planet)TrillUnited Federation of Planets
TzenkethTzenkethiTzenkethi Coalition

External links[edit | edit source]

  • Alpha Quadrant at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki.
  • Alpha Quadrant at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek Wiki.
  • Alpha Quadrant at Starbase UGC, the user-generated-content Wiki for STO.

Space Station 13 Races Near Me

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